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Top 10 most popular drugs on IsraelPharm’s website


Introducing our “Top Ten Performers” of the past twelve months. These are the most popular drugs that have been ordered again and again by our customers. Enovid COVID-19 is still high on the list of public concern and interest in 2023. For this reason we have written more about developments in COVID-19 than any other […]

Why sourcing your meds from IsraelPharm makes such good sense

happy healthy couple emrbacing and smiling

If you’re wondering if sourcing your meds from IsraelPharm makes sense for you, here are some things to consider. Affordable pricing It’s well known that prescribed medications cost more for US patients than in any other first-world country. Here in Israel, the State has imposed tight controls on retail pharmacy pricing, due mainly to the […]

News coming out of November’s Obesity Week

The opening week of November saw a flood of news regarding progress that has been made in the fight against obesity. Some of the discussions concerned social and economic changes that the gathering of specialists in this area is calling for, and many more items dealt with progress that has been made, and is now […]

Compare Online Pharmacies: How much do you save?

save money using online pharmacy IsraelPharm

When you compare online pharmacy prices, how much do you really save on IsraelPharm? We compared our 10 bestselling medications against the competition to see. We took it one step further and polled a selection of our customers to see how much they actually saved on medications they buying from IsraelPharm. And the results were […]

Drug company profits

drug price hike

Drug prices in the USA are still rising. Why? Why is the US the only country that can’t control their drug prices? There are many theories out there….. here is what we have to say and it’s largely about drug company profits. Before we get started there is a simple truth out there and it […]

Online pharmacy testimonials

A few months ago we decided to update our online pharmacy testimonials page so we sent out a testimonial request in our June monthly newsletter. We always get thank you emails and receive praise over our customer service efforts, but we wanted to hear something a little more personal for our customers… to hear a […]

Local vs. Online Pharmaceuticals

Random medicines and computer mouse

The internet is always a convenient, cheaper alternative to buying consumer products. In recent years, there has been a massive ecommerce boom trumpeting hundreds of website alternatives for any product imaginable that can sell it better than your average convenience store. The downside? With more availability also comes more danger, fraudulence and insecurity.  Especially in […]

Why are drug prices so high in the US?

drug prices

With millions of Americans taking to the internet to buy medication from abroad, it’s obvious that America faces a huge dilemma when it comes to supplying prescription medications to its citizens. Americans pay far more for their drugs than many other 1st world countries but have you ever stopped to wonder why drug prices are so […]

The summer holiday guide to packing medication

packing medication

When planning to pack for your summer holiday there are always things that get pushed off until the last minute or forgotten about entirely. Don’t let your medical needs be the last thing on your packing list! Taking a bag full of drugs with you can seem like a waste of space in the suitcase, […]

Why do Americans pay the highest healthcare costs?

McKinsey Global Institute

It’s widely recognized that the US citizens have the highest healthcare costs in the world. Have you ever wondered why Americans spend so much more? The majority cost revolves around inpatient and outpatient care sectors but can you guess what takes up the next largest sector? Hint? It’s the prescription drugs. McKinsey & Company recently […]


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