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Why do doctors prescribe a brand-name drug when there are cheaper generics?

Doctor holding out several packs of a variety of pills

I have worked for nearly 30 years in retail pharmacy and have been asked many questions by customers. One of the most frequent themes of these queries relates to choosing between brand-name drugs and their generics. Most queries concern the substantial price differences between buying brand-name drugs and generics. People often ask me, “Why do […]

How to stop chronic nail biting

Woman Biting Her Nails on Grey Background. Spac

Nail biting is such a common habit that many people don’t consider it a medical condition. Nearly 30% of all people go through a phase of chronic nail biting, which often starts in childhood and can continue into adulthood. Chronic nail biting (onychophagia) is generally regarded as one of the behaviors grouped as Body-focused Repetitive […]

Top 10 most popular drugs on IsraelPharm’s website


Introducing our “Top Ten Performers” of the past twelve months. These are the most popular drugs that have been ordered again and again by our customers. Enovid COVID-19 is still high on the list of public concern and interest in 2023. For this reason we have written more about developments in COVID-19 than any other […]

Treating heavy coughs


Many years ago, my then five-year-old son was diagnosed as asthmatic. This was a major shock; at that time, effective treatments were only just starting to appear on the broader market. Our earliest signs were that our family doctor treated our son for his heavy cough about three to four times every winter. When asthma […]

Top tips for (traveling with) muscle cramps and pain

woman walking and reaching down to soothe muscle cramp

Muscle cramps – the uninvited travel companion  Stepping outside of a regular movement routine can place unfamiliar strains on muscles. Whether from a sudden increase in walking (on cobble-stoned streets or trekking with a heavy backpack) or long stretches of sitting as you cross the continent by plane or cross the state by car, the […]

Summertime safety tips

happy family on camping trip

As families and friends set out on their long-anticipated summer vacations to reap the benefits of hard work and good weather, it’s important to brush up on some basic summer safety tips to keep pleasure at a maximum and unwanted consequences at a minimum. Embracing the great outdoors: The resurgence of camping vacations among US […]

The number of people infected by RSV is surging this winter

woman holding up a bottle of anti-viral nasal spray

The number of people infected with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is beginning to alarm healthcare officials. According to Australian Broadcasting Corporation, RSV cases have surged in Australia since the start of winter, with about 70,000 notified so far this year. In some states, close to ten times as many have been reported as at the […]

Your guide to compounded medications

Cheerful pharmacist working in a compounding pharmacy

It’s no secret that some, even many, lines of prescribed medication supply have encountered bottlenecks and breakdowns recently. This has led to shortages at the distribution point and caused many pharmacists to disappoint their patients holding the prescriptions unless the pharmacy has facilities to dispense compounded medications.  The problem was reported to Congress in May […]

Why IsraelPharm doesn’t sell controlled substance drugs

Gloved healthcare professional holding pills

Drugs that are especially addictive and have a high potential for harm or abuse are often grouped under the banner of ‘controlled substances.’ Being classified as a controlled drug doesn’t mean that it is illegal for a pharmacy to sell it, but rather that there needs to be special care taken in every step of […]

Name that drug! The science behind drug names

name tag with bottle of bills on it

Businesses that market products of any kind to the general public are keenly aware that getting the right brand name can be a make-or-break step on the road to success. There’s the old story of one of the most famous marketing disasters in the automotive industry – the Ford Edsel. Until the mid-fifties, Ford was […]


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