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Tech Help for Seniors

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As technology continues to grow and expand into every area of our life, it’s more important than ever for seniors to get on board. Unfortunately, lots of seniors lack the necessary tech help needed.

It can be extremely daunting for those who have never used a smart phone or computer before. But technology brings connection, new possibilities and opportunities, and friendship. Not only this, but some tasks are actually next to impossible to do without a computer or phone these days. This makes the need for learning technology not only desirable, but mandatory.

What things need to be done online?

  • Organizing medical appointments and prescriptions
  • Public transport information/purchasing of tickets
  • Paying bills
  • Sorting out insurances and policies
  • Organizing taxes
  • Online banking

These are a few examples of things that are regularly done online, and almost impossible to do without any tech knowledge whatsoever.

Yet there are more tasks that can make life easier by doing them online such as online shopping, ordering a taxi through an app, finding recommendations of service providers, research, etc. And of course, that’s not to mention applications like Facebook and WhatsApp which keep us connected to our family and friends around the world.

Are seniors happier when they can use technology?

There is no doubt about it – seniors who are proficient in basic technology are able to live more fulfilling lives. Aging has its challenges, so why not make it easier where we can? Navigating the Internet and being able to take care of simple tasks like paying bills can save huge amounts of time – and money!

And what about online shopping? Lifting heavy bags of shopping from the car and into the house isn’t easy no matter how old you are, but for seniors it’s a task worth dreading. Being able to order groceries online can save huge amounts of stress and anxiety – and will prevent back ache, too.

Loneliness can also be overcome with technology. Being on social media and using apps such as WhatsApp enable us to communicate with people everywhere, at any time. An elderly person who finds it hard to travel or do physical activities can find a lot of pleasure in the World Wide Web. Exploring the world online, talking to people and keeping in touch with family is something that most of us can’t imagine living without.

Technology can be so daunting and overwhelming if you don’t know how to use it. But once you overcome that learning curve, a whole new world opens up. And this really is crucial for seniors who don’t want to get left behind and want to carry on getting the most out of life.

How can seniors find help when it comes to learning technology?

Getting seniors online is crucial. Fortunately, there are many organizations that provide technological help to the older community. And thanks to these organizations, more and more people over 60 are starting to use social media and the Internet. They are on email, they’re texting and they’re even blogging! This ability to communicate is impacting their lives for the better and is hopefully only adding on extra years of living.

Eldercare Locator is a website which helps seniors find help in their community. You can also call 800.677.1116.

Help is also available through local libraries and community centers. Family and friends are also encouraged to help seniors out where they can or at least locate for them a place where they can learn. AgingInPlace is also a useful resource.

If you are a senior – it’s great you’re reading this! And more help is available. You’ll find it so rewarding to learn how to use a smart phone and navigate the online world better. Use one of the resources above or reach out to a family member or friend.

If you know a senior who could do with help – don’t hesitate any longer! Technology can really improve quality of life.

Picture of Deena


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