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Fielding questions relating to menopause

Woman in White Robe Flower Care Holiday

One of the subjects that draws frequent questions from our customers and that land on my desk as the senior pharmacist here at IsraelPharm is how best to manage the onset of menopause and how to live with it forever more. It’s understandable that lots of questions relating to menopause crop up because, after all, […]

Beyond hot flashes: Creating a supportive workplace for all women

woman at work

I’ve lived long enough to be a first-hand witness to the unfair portrayal of women in society, which was sadly accepted as the norm until recently. The shared beliefs held ‘way back when’ often marginalized women, placing ultimate value on their reproductive abilities. Aging was primarily discussed in the terminology of myths and legends across cultures, […]

Menopause unveiled. Navigating change with confidence

Menopause on pink background

The term “menopause” is used to mark the end of a woman’s reproductive years, and the primary signs are the cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea). Menopause isn’t a disease or disorder but the outcome of natural biological processes accompanying aging. Typically, menopause can occur anywhere between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can vary, […]

September is Sexual Health Awareness Month


Each September, the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) declares a World Sexual Health Awareness Day to raise awareness about the importance of sexual health, rights, justice, and pleasure for all. The 2023 theme for World Sexual Health Day is consent. Society has come a long way in recognizing the fundamental importance of sexual health, […]

Vaginal health and sexual fulfillment


The transition for most women into menopause is characterized by a complex interplay of hormonal changes, most notably involving estrogen and progesterone. Understanding these transitions is vital because of their profound impact on a woman’s vaginal health, sex life, and overall health and well-being. Sexual well-being following the transition into menopause may seem out of […]

Treating genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) with Premarin Vaginal Cream

Woman in Panties Holding Gerbera, GSM

Body changes that start with menopause can significantly impact the quality of a woman’s life, affecting her physical and emotional well-being. Recently, doctors have started using the term genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), replacing vaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis. The term better describes the symptoms of vaginal discomfort, such as vaginal dryness, itching, burning, pain […]

Linking Long COVID and menopause

Long COVID and menopause, what is the connection?

Menopausal women have experienced more severe, persistent, and frequent illnesses that may be attributable to life post-COVID-19 infection. Long COVID and menopause has become an area needing special attention, because of the large numbers of women who are now affected by this new disorder.  While the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing between early 2020 […]

Alternatives to HRT for menopause

Woman's Health. Paper Uterus and Flowers on Light Blue Backgroun

The physical and mental changes experienced by women in menopause have an ever more significant impact on their daily lives. According to the website North American Menopause Society (NAMS), every day, around six thousand American women will become menopausal. That’s approximately two million women each year. What’s more, the number is growing faster than the […]

The myth of declining sexual pleasure after menopause

Happy couple smiling and looking satisfied

Until the last quarter century, myths about the inevitability of a decline in a woman’s interest in and enjoyment of sex after menopause have been part of life and legend. Going back to Greek mythology, we encounter the tale of the Three Fates – Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who were responsible for weaving the threads […]

Menopause isn’t the end of a healthy sex life

woman and dancing seemingly in love

Maintaining a robust and healthy sex life is top of the mind for many women as they mature.  There are care delivery gaps coming from the shortage of ob-gyn healthcare personnel specializing in menopause alongside advertisers who prey on menopausal women as easy sales targets. These make it tricky for women to find proper support […]


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