Verrumal (fluorouracil + salicylic acid + dimethylsulfoxide) belongs to a group of medicines called anti-wart and keratolytic agents. It is prescribed for the treatment of common warts beneath the soles of the feet in areas where
pressure is applied to the soles of the feet and flat warts on the hands or feet. The average duration of treatment is six weeks.
Closely follow the prescribing doctor’s instructions, and carefully read the product leaflet that comes with Verrumal. Do not exceed the recommended dose.
If a child has accidentally swallowed some Verrumal, immediately see a doctor or go to a hospital emergency room and take the Verrumal package with.
This text is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor or pharmacist before using any medication.
Verrumal may cause side effects in some users. These include erythema (redness of the skin), inflammation, irritation, a sensation of burning, pain or itching of the skin at the site of the application, bleeding, or the formation of a crust and oozing of the skin at the site of the application.
If these or other unlisted symptoms persist or worsen, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.
Verrumal treats a variety of warts, such as plantar and palmar warts, which are hardened rough growths on the bottom of the foot or on the hand.