This text is for informational purposes only. Please consult a doctor or pharmacist before using any medication.
Read the information leaflet that comes with the medication.
Most people who use Strepfen do not experience any adverse side effects.
Some of the side effects reported include mild nausea, dry mouth, and slight throat irritation. These are generally transient.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a healthcare provider before use, as NSAIDs can affect fetal development and milk production. Those with known allergies to NSAIDs should avoid this medication.
Not all side effects are listed here. If these or other unlisted symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare provider or pharmacist.
Strepfen is mostly used to treat sore throats caused by bacterial or viral infections. Typical symptoms include pain during swallowing, redness, and inflammation in the throat area. It also effectively manages mild musculoskeletal pain and reduces inflammation in oral conditions, such as after dental procedures.
Doctors may prescribe flurbiprofen for arthritis-related pain or other inflammatory conditions. Symptoms include joint stiffness, swelling, and tenderness. Always seek medical advice before using the drug for unapproved purposes.