Progyluton (estradiol) is a hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) that treats irregularities in the menstrual cycle and pre-menstrual disturbance. It is not a contraceptive.
Progyluton acts as an estrogen supplement that boosts the levels of this sex hormone that declines as women age and pass from pre-menopause into full menopause. Lower estrogen levels can also be caused by ovarian disorders, pituitary gland misfunction, or from surgical removal of the ovaries (hysterectomy or oophorectomy). Along with estrogen, Progyluton supplied small quantities of progesterone, which are required to lower the risk of ovarian cancer that accompanies estrogen supplements.
The dose and regimen is set by the prescribing doctor. The usual dose is one tablet each day for 21 days, in the sequence of days-of-the week as determined by the first day on which the dosage is started. . The tablets are color-coded so that white tablets are taken on days 1-11, followed by brown tablets for the next 11 days. After 21 days, there is a 7 days rest. It is also important to set a timetable and adhere to the set time.
Falls in estrogen levels can come as a direct outcome of aging (pre-menopause followed by menopause) or as a result of ovarian conditions, thyroid deficiencies, and surgical removal of the ovaries. The main symptoms of low estrogen are hot flashes, night sweats, bloating, vaginal changes, hair thinning, and mood changes. The early signs of premenopause are irregular periods and spotting.
Menopause typically begins around the ages of 45 to 50, but it can also occur earlier, possibly due to conditions like premature ovarian insufficiency. Anyone who notices symptoms of menopause before the age of 45 is advised to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and explore available treatment choices.
Important Information Regarding Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT):
HRT medications are powerful tools for managing hormonal changes. To ensure the medication’s safety and effectiveness, it’s important to understand who can benefit from it most. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health regulations, Progyluton is currently only prescribed for individuals assigned female at birth.