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The number of people infected by RSV is surging this winter

woman holding up a bottle of anti-viral nasal spray

The number of people infected with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is beginning to alarm healthcare officials. According to Australian Broadcasting Corporation, RSV cases have surged in Australia since the start of winter, with about 70,000 notified so far this year. In some states, close to ten times as many have been reported as at the […]

Alternatives to HRT for menopause

Woman's Health. Paper Uterus and Flowers on Light Blue Backgroun

The physical and mental changes experienced by women in menopause have an ever more significant impact on their daily lives. According to the website North American Menopause Society (NAMS), every day, around six thousand American women will become menopausal. That’s approximately two million women each year. What’s more, the number is growing faster than the […]

Why is Ozempic so expensive?

Piggy bank with a bandage on it

There is a widely-held public view that drug companies and pharmacies in the US gouge the public relentlessly without care for the public good or ethics. From that perspective, the complaint is that the only thing that matters to the companies is their bank balances. One of the unfortunate targets of this prevailing thinking is […]

The myth of declining sexual pleasure after menopause

Happy couple smiling and looking satisfied

Until the last quarter century, myths about the inevitability of a decline in a woman’s interest in and enjoyment of sex after menopause have been part of life and legend. Going back to Greek mythology, we encounter the tale of the Three Fates – Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who were responsible for weaving the threads […]

On the healthcare highway, AI is an engine, not a driver

Person Reaching Out to a Robot

Recently, the American Medical Association (AMA) voted to adopt a proposal that would “more clearly define and control the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools such as Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) in general medical practice.” The need for this is driven by the explosion of public and professional exposure to ChatGPT. It had more than […]

Why IsraelPharm doesn’t sell controlled substance drugs

Gloved healthcare professional holding pills

Drugs that are especially addictive and have a high potential for harm or abuse are often grouped under the banner of ‘controlled substances.’ Being classified as a controlled drug doesn’t mean that it is illegal for a pharmacy to sell it, but rather that there needs to be special care taken in every step of […]

First Aid at Home: A Little Forethought, A Lot More Fun

First aid kit

Keep your home and yourself ready and prepared for emergencies! As vacation time sets in, days fill with activities and enjoyment that the warm weather and freedom from a rigid school schedule brings. Hiking trips, barbeques, campfires, and outdoor play become the norm. Along with more outdoor activity, comes a greater possibility of accidents and […]

Marketing of NAC (N-acetylcysteine) and the bureaucratic time warp

bottle of NAC N-Acetylcysteine

It’s been just over a year since the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) notified health supplement manufacturers that it was refusing their petition against the decision to block the marketing of NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine, aka n-acetylcysteine) as a food supplement. This decision has deep consequences for all of the parties involved in the supply chain […]

June is Men’s Health Month in 2023

Stethoscope next to a chalk board with the words Men's Health

Perhaps it’s more a sign of the times, but this year the annual Men’s Health Month has become a focus for a wide range of healthcare and social websites that have all come to recognize that the subject of male health deserves some special attention. Let’s drill down to the heart of some of the […]

Understanding the thyroid gland and how it can go wrong

Thyroid glad on blue background

The thyroid is a relatively small gland located in the lower neck, which produces the hormone thyroxine. Thyroxine regulates many aspects of the body’s metabolism – mainly the rate at which the body metabolizes nutrients and oxygen and produces energy. Changes in the thyroid’s output can cause either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, both of which affect […]


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