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Using Antimuscarinic muscle relaxants

Woman laying on yoga mat

Antimuscarinic muscle relaxants form part of a class of drugs that treat a wide variety of medical conditions. Amongst others, the main conditions that muscarinic antagonists can treat include: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Overactive bladder (OAB) Bradycardia (low heart rate) Asthma attacks Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Parkinson’s Disease Muscle spasticity and spasms Peptic ulcers […]

The link between (treating) overactive bladder and longevity

Water running from open faucet

While it can be uncomfortable to talk about it out loud, an overactive bladder is a condition that needs to be addressed. Recently, one of our readers responded to an article where we mentioned that a drug that treats the condition called Overactive Bladder (sometimes called OAB or Nocturia) is one of our top-ten-selling products. […]


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