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Levels of anxiety grow in times of stress

metal health concept

There is a natural and quite normal link between the volume of news “from the front line” on TV and the levels of anxiety the population feels. Acts of kindness, stories of hope, or ‘top five most outstanding sunsets today’ rarely make headlines. How much more so, in times like these, where unprecedentedly dramatic events […]

The link between (treating) overactive bladder and longevity

Water running from open faucet

While it can be uncomfortable to talk about it out loud, an overactive bladder is a condition that needs to be addressed. Recently, one of our readers responded to an article where we mentioned that a drug that treats the condition called Overactive Bladder (sometimes called OAB or Nocturia) is one of our top-ten-selling products. […]

Infection with COVID-19 can endanger the heart

Doctor's Hand Checking Blood Pressure

It was already known that people with pre-existing heart conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure) were more likely to suffer more severe symptoms if they became infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A recent analysis of electronic medical records for more than 45,000 people found that the converse may also be true. Infection with COVID-19 […]

A “citizen petition” may not be what you think it is.

petition signing

Under Federal law, as described in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the FDA provides a process for individuals and community organizations to request health policy changes by submitting a citizen petition. While the phrase “citizen petition” may sound like a way for the average “Citizen Joe” to suggest ways to improve or […]

Why do people ignore their prescriptions?

health care costs piggy bank

According to the US Federal government’s public data published in March 2023 on, more than one-third of Americans ignore their prescriptions or have not filled a prescription because of its cost. When a prescription is ignored, the consequences can be severe, impacting the health of the patient, their families, and the whole healthcare system. […]

What it takes for “successful aging”

Middle aged, happy female friends

An innovative and remarkable study published in June 2023 by the University of Toronto Faculty of Social Work shows that, especially for older adults, keeping socially active has many beneficial effects on their mental and physical health. The conclusion goes so far as to say that people with higher social participation rates were associated with […]

Olumiant – A Brand-new Treatment for Alopecia Areata

Smiling-bald woman-touching-head

The pharmaceutical world is abuzz with exciting news about yet another drug whose off-label use has been FDA-approved to treat a completely different condition. Olumiant was initially developed to treat rheumatoid arthritis – but has now achieved full approval from the FDA as a brand-new treatment for alopecia areata. The announcement of the approval of […]

ADHD Awareness Month Focusing on Adult ADHD and ADHD in Females

pink-vs-black-boxing-gloves -adult-adhd

Every October, there’s a renewed focus on ADHD (Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.) The website throws light on what progress has been made in past years, with the campaign’s theme “Moving forward with ADHD” and has a few fascinating points to make which reinforce some of the topics we have covered., the most popular internet resource […]

Top 10 most popular drugs on IsraelPharm’s website


Introducing our “Top Ten Performers” of the past twelve months. These are the most popular drugs that have been ordered again and again by our customers. Enovid COVID-19 is still high on the list of public concern and interest in 2023. For this reason we have written more about developments in COVID-19 than any other […]

Restoring healthy skin conditions

The skin is a highly specialized and vital organ

Many people regard the skin as simply an outer casing whose main task is to hold everything inside the body. That’s often the case until something goes wrong. The skin is a highly specialized and vital organ that performs various essential biological and metabolic functions. Proper care to maintain healthy skin and treatment in cases […]


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