Celebrex®/Celcox® (celecoxib) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and selective COX-2 inhibitor. It is used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pain, painful menstruation, menstrual symptoms, and to reduce the number of colon and rectum polyps in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis.
If these side effects are experienced, stop taking this medication and refer to a doctor immediately:
- Severe allergic reaction. Symptoms may include swelling of the face, mouth, neck, arms or legs, rash, trouble breathing
- Severe abdominal pain, bloody or black stools or vomiting blood
- Heart problems
- Abnormal weight gain
- Liver damage. Symptoms may include yellowing of the skin, jaundice, live failure, fatigue
- Weakness in one side of the body
- Hallucinations
- Cerebral hemorrhage
The most common side effects may include the following:
- Diarrhea
- Â Indigestion
- Sinusitis
- Abdominal pain
- Upper respiratory infection
- Inflammation of the mouth or throat
- Difficulty swallowing
- Cough
- Muscle cramps
Not all side effects are listed here. For further information, refer to the manufacturer’s product insert included with this medication.
Consult a doctor or healthcare provider before taking this medication.
This medication is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), specifically a COX-2 inhibitor, which relieves pain and swelling (inflammation). It is used to treat arthritis, acute pain, and menstrual pain and discomfort. The pain and swelling relief provided by this medication helps you perform more of your normal daily activities.