Enovid: Anti-viral Protection for a Healthy Winter Season
Looking to boost your immune system for winter? As winter nears, the chance of catching a cold goes up. The average American adult gets the common cold a few times a year, and it’s often believed that colder weather causes more people to stay indoors, making it easier for viruses to spread in close quarters. […]
Flu is coming early this year, and it could be worse than normal
According to reports from medical centers around the country, there are already many cases of influenza popping up all over, and even some people having to be hospitalized. This is not the normal pattern, because in the past, the earliest signs of the annual flood usually only showed up in November. Now, cases have been […]
Is there a ‘twindemic’ coming to the Northern Hemisphere this winter?
The sudden arrival of COVID-19 at the start of 2020 broke an established pattern of how the influenza virus swept through countries with the onset of winter. Until then, it was reasonably well understood that each year saw a slightly new variant of the virus, but there was enough knowledge for scientists to be able […]